A reliable alternative
to expensive service contracts.
Introducing Budget Guard Equipment Maintenance Insurance (EMI), an efficient and cost-effective solution designed to eliminate expensive equipment service contracts and consolidate related equipment into one package with a single anniversary date. With Budget Guard EMI, you have the flexibility to select your service providers and pay only for the services you need. Opting for Budget Guard EMI allows you to unlock significant cost savings while taking control over equipment support decisions.
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How Budget Guard Equipment Maintenance Insurance Works

The Budget Guard EMI policy is structured as an aggregate deductible program.
Let’s say your organization spends $1 million annually on equipment service contracts. With Budget Guard EMI, you would pay a smaller premium of approximately $200,000. You would then have an aggregate deductible of around $650,000. As a result, your maximum potential cost would be reduced to $850,000, which means you can save at least $150,000.
Cap your costs and protect your initial savings.
The aggregate deductible of $650,000 becomes an accrued retention amount you use to pay for covered services provided by your chosen service vendors. If the total cost of covered service exceeds the aggregate deductible, you are reimbursed the difference as per the policy terms. For example, if the total cost of covered services is $725,000, then the excess amount of $75,000 will be considered a claim and will be paid at the end of the term. This will protect your savings and limit your costs.

You retain unspent funds.
On the other hand, if the total cost of covered services stays under the $650,000 aggregate deductible, you can keep the difference, which increases your overall savings. For example, if the total cost of covered services is $525,000, you'll retain the $125,000 balance, bringing your total savings to $275,000.
Notice what happens? Unlike traditional service contracts, with Budget Guard EMI, you'll only pay for the services you actually use. Plus, you get to keep the money you don’t spend, which is great news for your cash flow.
Simplify and see results.
Why continue to pay for services that you might not need? Unlike traditional service contracts, with Budget Guard, you only pay for the equipment services that you use.
We’ll verify targeted equipment and then compare and analyze cost savings to develop custom coverage, processes, and reporting solutions for your specific needs.
Consolidate multiple expensive service contracts into a single Equipment Maintenance Insurance Policy.
You select service providers and coverage levels and never get lost in the fine print again.
You’ll typically save 15-20% versus your current service contract spend and then up to 30%, or more, based on your actual service spend.
Savings without sacrificing operations efficiency means you’ll continue to save money for the long term with better equipment service delivery.
The Service Process
Your Budget Guard Equipment Maintenance Insurance Policy covers preventive maintenance and repairs like previous service contracts, except you aren’t locked into a contract with a particular service provider. You control which vendors service your equipment, and getting service is simple and easy. Here’s how:
1. Equipment failure occurs, or preventive maintenance (PM) is due.
2. Call the service provider to schedule service.
3. The service provider fixes the equipment or performs the PM.
4. The vendor’s service report and invoice are submitted to Budget Guard.
5. You pay the invoice out of your retained maintenance funds.
6. Budget Guard applies the covered amount to the aggregate deductible.
Or Simplify Administration with Budget Guard's Managed Maintenance Program
Your Budget Guard Equipment Maintenance Insurance Policy is still structured as an aggregate deductible program with the same broad coverage. However, with the MMP, you transfer the accrued aggregate deductible amount to us, and we dispatch and pay the service providers directly on your behalf.
With this option, the administrative fee associated with the MMP may be offset by reducing your internal administration costs.
Contact Budget Guard to schedule service
…then we’ll dispatch the service provider.
With our Equipment Maintenance Insurance Policy, you can experience savings year after year without worrying about the unpredictable rising expenses of individual service contracts.

Markel Insurance Company, rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best,* directly underwrites your Budget Guard Equipment Maintenance Insurance Policy.
Effective communication is vital. When your in-house team partners with Budget Guard for equipment service management, our mutual goal is to ensure the success of your program.

Markel® is a registered trademark of Markel Group Inc.
*A.M. Best ratings are under continuous review and subject to change; please refer to Markel’s website for the most current information.